4 Square is a Canadian television show for preschoolers, produced by Treehouse TV. The show consists of 4 different segments. Each segment has its own coloured backdrop, with the actors wearing the contrasting colour. The show is often divided up and only one segment is aired as filler (between two longer running shows).
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The rhythm segment is hosted by the Beat Team (Ingrid Gaynor, Stephanie Hyppolite, Roney Lewis and Emma Schellenberg), a group of four young people wearing bright orange sweatshirts and sweatpants. One by one, they all introduce a verbal rhythm with certain sounds or words (for example, "zip-zip-zip-zip-zip-zip-zip-zip"), and then they combine their individual rhythms to make one intricate rhythm.
The poetry segment features a woman ( Helen) (in later episodes Pay Chen) dressed in mainly purple, and one (or sometimes two) child(ren), also dressed in mainly purple. She recites a poem while giving certain words a hand sign, teaching it to the younger child, the child says the poem back with the learned hand signs, and then they both say it together. This is the only Four Square segment to feature live children in the scene.
The movement segment features four people from the Toronto dance troupe Corpus, dressed in blue spandex outfits with green shoes, knee pads and elbow pads. A leader known as Captain "Hup" or "Huppette" will direct the other three members to do three certain movements (e.g. "Bianca, cross-country ski; Metito, cross-country ski; Rufus, cross-country ski"). Finally, after repeating the movement one by one and asking the viewer to try to do it, everyone does them in unison. The original cast featured David Danzon as Captain Hup, Sylvie Bouchard as Bianca; Ray Hogg as Krankovich; and Anand Rajaram as Ludsu. Subsequent casts featured Rachel Cook as Captain Huppette, Michelle Black as Pippa, Michael Caldwell as Rufus, and Rob Rementilla as Metito.
This is the part where a group of four people called the 4 Tones sing with four puppets called the Do-Whas. The Do-Whas represent the part of the song where the viewer can sing along. This is encouraged by the phrase "Do what the Do-Whas do" to which the Do-Whas say "Do what we do". Some members of the 4 Tones include Starr Domingue, Kellylee Evans, Alison Neale, and Chantelle Wilson.